Matthew Amalfitano-Stroud

Matt Amalfitano-Stroud joined the UniAdmissions team as an Outreach Officer, where he is now responsible for creating guides and materials to support Oxbridge applicants through the admissions process. Through his multiple years with UniAdmissions, Matt has developed a deep understanding of Oxbridge and is ready to inform applicants of any updates to the process that arise.
What A-Level Subjects Are Needed For Computer Science?

What A-Level Subjects Are Needed For Computer Science?

Applying for Computer Sciences at university is a tricky process and one of the most important requirements is the A-Levels. What subjects do you need to study and what grades do you need? This guide will explore everything you need to know.

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Computer Science Degree UK Entry Requirements
Computer Science

Computer Science Degree UK Entry Requirements

Computer Science has become one of the most competitive university courses available due to the ever-growing importance of technology. Each degree receives hundreds of applications each year, so it’s vital that you understand and meet the standard entry requirements to have a chance of success. This guide explores all of the requirements you’ll need to meet in your application.

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English Language Proficiency Tests For Oxbridge

English Language Proficiency Tests For Oxbridge

International applicants for UK universities will need to prove their English language proficiency if English isn’t your first language. There are multiple tests available to do this, so this guide will explore what you need to do, what the tests entail and how you can prepare for them. Plus, I’ll explain my own personal experience of English Language Proficiency Tests as an international applicant.

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Mathematics University Rankings UK

Mathematics University Rankings UK: 2024 Results

In the UK, mathematics is a popular course to study at university, which means a lot of institutions teach it. As a result, some courses will be better than others, which is where the ranking tables become helpful. In this guide, we’ll explore that these tables are and look at the results from two of the most popular ranking tables in the UK to see which Mathematics universities are considered the best.

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Economics Degree Entry Requirements UK

Economics Degree Entry Requirements UK

If you’re thinking about studying an economics degree in the UK, you’ll need to be aware of the various entry requirements required to get your place. From grades to tests and interviews, some of the top universities for Economics in the UK have strict entry requirements, so this covers everything you to do to find success.

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US vs UK University Applications: What’s The Difference?

US vs UK University Applications: What’s The Difference?

You may be considering applying for university in the US or UK, or you may not be sure which country to study in. The process for applying in either country is extremely different, as well as how the universities operate too, so in this guide, we’ll explore all the differences between universities in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

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ESAT vs PAT & MAT: What’s The Difference?
Admissions Test

ESAT vs PAT & MAT: What’s The Difference?

Depending on if you apply for a STEM course at Oxford or Cambridge, you’ll likely have to take either the ESAT, the PAT or the MAT. The Oxford and Cambridge admissions tests are very different from one another despite being used for similar purposes, so this guide will unpack all the differences between them.

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Benefits of Tutoring: Why Should You Consider 1-1 Tuition?

Benefits of Tutoring: Why Should You Consider 1-1 Tuition?

One-to-one tuition is often seen as a premium form of academic support for exams, university applications and more. However, are tuition sessions actually as beneficial as they seem and what benefits do they provide that other forms of teaching can’t? In this guide, we explore why you should consider working with a tutor.

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Using AI To Study & Revise: What You Need To Know

Using AI To Study & Revise: What You Need To Know

Generative AI tools are more powerful than ever and have seemingly unlimited applications in real life. However, one area of AI usage that many are still unsure of is its potential in academic work; specifically studying and revision. Are these tools accurate and versatile enough to replace traditional study methods? This guide explores everything you need to know about AI tools for studying and revision.

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Oxford Announces Partnership With Pearson VUE For 2024 Admissions Tests
Admissions Test

Oxford Announces Partnership With Pearson VUE For 2024 Admissions Tests

After a number of changes within the Oxbridge admissions test space, the University of Oxford has announced its partnership with global testing company Pearson VUE to deliver all of its admissions tests. In this guide we’ll explore what’s happened, how it will affect your application and what it means for admissions testing as a whole.

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The Best Oxbridge Colleges For International Applicants

The Best Oxbridge Colleges For International Applicants

Applying to Oxford or Cambridge from outside the UK is a tough process, especially when considering how competitive it is. However, as well as the application process, international applicants will also need to decide which college they wish to apply to. Are there colleges that are better for those from overseas? This guide will explore this question to see which colleges would be right for you.

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ESAT Specification Guide: What You Need To Know
Admissions Test

ESAT Specification Guide: What You Need To Know

The ESAT tests applicants on four major subjects; Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Within each of these subjects, there are dozens of topics and modules that you will need to understand to perform well. In this guide, we’ll explore what you need to know and how you can prepare for the test.

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ESAT vs NSAA & ENGAA: What's Changed?
Admissions Test

ESAT vs NSAA & ENGAA: What’s Changed?

The Engineering & Science Admissions Test (ESAT) is the replacement exam for Cambridge’s NSAA and ENGAA. While they’re both science-based admissions tests, there are a few differences that you need to be aware of, so this guide will explain everything you need to know about the ESAT versus the NSAA and ENGAA.

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ESAT Basics: The Complete Guide
Admissions Test

ESAT Basics: The Complete Guide

The Engineering & Science Admissions Test (ESAT) is the brand new admissions test for Cambridge and Imperial College London applicants. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the test so that you can begin your preparation.

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