Admissions Fees

We are often asked how much investment our support requires. On this page, you will find a clear explanation of the investment, the various options available to you, how your fees are used and how our Programmes enable you to reach the highest levels of success when applying to Oxford or Cambridge. The best way to find out is to reach out directly to our Admissions Consultants who can help you.

Depending on whether you are a parent or student, we’ve put together some key considerations here.

If you’re looking to get the entire picture, then let’s begin at the start.

How much does a UniAdmissions Programme cost?

UniAdmissions’ Programme fees range from £4,000 to £16,000. This covers the entire range of the support that we offer, from support for one application component, such as the university interview only, to a turnkey service that offers extensive support throughout multiple years of your application.

The support that is best suited to you, however, will be entirely dependent on various factors such as the competitiveness of the subject you are applying for, your academic profile, whether you are a domestic or international applicant (as international applications are significantly more competitive, therefore requiring further support) and more.

We also offer 100% bursaries through our Foundation to students who aren’t able to enrol on our Programmes from a financial perspective. We support 100s of students each year and are aiming to achieve a 1:1 ratio of students for fee-paying clients versus bursaries.

If you are not eligible for our Foundation, in order to get a more specific figure aligned directly to your needs, it is important that you speak with one of our Admissions Consultants. This is so that our team can properly assess your needs and your application – this allows us to recommend a Programme that is best suited for your son or daughter’s application.

Of course, this also gives you the opportunity to talk through areas of your application which you are worried about. You’ll also get some actionable advice and get a feel for our Programmes.

Since we are a selective Oxbridge preparatory school, our Consultants will also assess your suitability to the Programme and whether your application is something we will be able to support you with.

  • We offer the highest rates of success, often tripling your child’s chance of an offer.
  • There is a risk-free trial period within which you can get a refund if you are unhappy with your child’s Programme.
  • You can opt to receive in-depth lesson reports to keep track of what your child has been covering in their one-to-one sessions.
  • You’ll receive frequent communication from our Programme team to keep you involved with your child’s application.
  • You will receive the same level of support which has tripled our student’s success rate over the past decade.
  • You will always work with the very best tutors from Oxford and Cambridge, who truly want to help you succeed.
  • You’ll receive a structured approach to your application which turns the complex Oxbridge application into a system which you can follow.
  • You’ll get access to the Portal which is an easily accessibly platform that brings your entire application into one easy-to-use place.

Here are some examples of our typical Programme pricing. This does, however, vary significantly based on the student and subject. We offer around 85% of our students a bespoke Programme which is better suited to their personal needs and so pricing can fall anywhere within the range below.

What’s the difference between the lower cost Programmes and higher cost Programmes?

The range of investment, if you are not eligible for our Foundation Programme, is £4,000 to £16,000 (~$5,000 to $21,100). This section aims to explain what exactly changes between the lower and higher end.

At the lower end of the spectrum, around the £4,000 figure, you can expect to receive a library of textbooks we’ve written, access to our weekly enrichment supervisions, places on specific live courses, in-depth pre-recorded courses and a plethora of other resources to help your child prepare for their application. You will also get access to one-to-one support from our top-tier Oxbridge tutors which covers the majority of the application.

At the £5,000 – £6,000 mark, your child will receive everything in the £4,000 Programme. Still, in addition, they will get reserved places on several full-day live courses covering all the major steps of their application, valuable mock interview practice with experienced tutors and, most importantly, a great deal of personalised one-to-one support.

When we consider the higher end at around £12,500, your support will include all of the above as well as extended support that covers multiple years of your education. This is highly comprehensive support that also high rates of success due to the depth of teaching in the Programme and is especially helpful for international applicants.

At the top end of £16,000 and above, your child will receive everything from the Programmes above, but they will also benefit from completely unlimited one-to-one tutoring. This Programme offers our students the very highest rates of Oxbridge success.

In rare cases, we may be able to offer support for a lower investment for students who come to us for last-minute support. This support would generally be self-driven by the student and would not include any one-to-one sessions.

The major difference between our lower and higher-end Programmes is the level of personalized support. Students applying to Oxford or Cambridge are, by nature, high achieving and intelligent. However, since the vast majority of applicants to Oxford and Cambridge share these traits, it is vitally important that students are able to stand out amongst this crowd. The one-to-one support with our Oxbridge tutors (whether this is Admissions Test tuition, interview tuition or Personal Statement guidance) helps to laser-focus on your child’s areas of opportunity on a very personal level.

Does the price of a Programme change depending on when you enrol?

The premise behind each of our Programmes is that they are designed, from the ground up, to address all the important areas of a student’s application. Depending on the Programme which is recommended to you, this will range from around 30 hours of study to well over 250.

In order to get the most out of the Programme, students are required to complete all of the resources and support available to them. If they do so, then we are confident that they will put themselves sufficiently ahead of other candidates. Whilst we cannot guarantee an Oxbridge offer, we have gathered data year-on-year to create the structured syllabus that forms our Programmes today due to its success with our previous cohorts.

Although a parent may enrol their child to start a Programme later in the year, this doesn’t mean that student can do any less work required in order to become a stronger candidate than the highly competitive applicant pool.

Let us consider a Programme containing 150 hours of study with a student enrolling in January until December versus a student enrolling in August (please see table to the right).


Student B, although they enrolled later in the year, is still committed to the same amount of work in order to achieve a similar result to Student A, albeit over a shorter period of time. This is why we often recommend starting earlier as it makes for a less intensive application period, and also why the price of our Programmes do not change based on your enrolment date.

If you consider all of the elements available in a UniAdmissions Programme, then try to build a similar package yourself, you’ll find the costs are likely to be much higher with a DIY approach. There are also several elements of support which are entirely unique to UniAdmissions such as our weekly Enrichment Supervisions. Due to this, it would extremely difficult to create a Programme of similar quality on your own.

Booking onto various courses, working with different tutors, and reading a plethora of books can often provide a mixed message about what to focus on, and doesn’t bring a focused application strategy.

With a UniAdmissions Programme, each element of support compliments the next. For example, we recommend you start with our online Academy course to understand the basics. You could then move onto working through a text book to get more specific information, and, if things still aren’t clicking, you could get support from your 1-1 tutor.

If you are unhappy with any part of your DIY Programme, you would have to go to the provider of that resource, and work things out with them.

With UniAdmisisons, each and every element of support is rigorously quality-checked by our team, and we ensure we keep on top of the fast-moving application changes which happen each year. If, for any reason, you are unhappy – our team are more than willing to support you and make things right. This is something you cannot guarantee with lots of different support providers.

A build-your-own Programme will require many different logins, websites and programs to use their support. For UniAdmissions, everything related to your Programme is tied into the Portal – this is the backbone of the Programme which brings all your available support together in one simple login.

With UniAdmissions, you are assigned a dedicated Programme Manager who is your port of call for any and all queries regarding your Programme – this is something you would find lacking with the build-your-own approach.

The majority fees invested into our Programmes are re-invested by us into improving our resources and services, offering a high level of support to all enrolled parents and students, and offering our tutors highly competitive levels of pay. This ensures that your Programme will always be of the highest quality, and the tutors you work with are qualified and motivated. We also invest your fees into our Foundation which enables students, who would otherwise be financially unable to attain our support, to get full bursaries for our top Programmes. We’re proud to say we’ve supported over 100 students in the last year.

With support offered by other organisations, your fees will often go towards marketing their courses or simply increasing their profits.

What is the cost of a UniAdmissions Programme versus the "build-your-own" Programme approach?

We have been operating in the Oxbridge admissions space for over a decade, so we are aware that there are various options available for prospective applicants wanting to improve their applications. Often, these come in the form of courses and one-to-one tutors, but can extend beyond that depending on your subject choice.

Comparatively, UniAdmissions’ Programme brings all these forms of preparation (resources, books, courses, one-to-one tutors and more) into one curriculum.

It is possible, although not advisable, to create a similar Programme yourself by pooling several of these resources and approaching them as you would a UniAdmissions Programme. However, this is not advisable due to several different factors.

We have listed the key factors and explained them – simply click on the factor to learn more about it.

Your Next Steps

The purpose of this article is to give you a better understanding of the fees associated with a UniAdmissions Programme, along with the value that we are confident we provide better than any other option available. However, as mentioned, it is imperative that you speak with an Admissions Consultant in order to get a figure that is specific to you.

Unlike other providers, we don’t charge anything to book a university application consultation. If your Admissions Consultant feels our Programme would be beneficial to you, they will recommend a relevant Programme. If not, then you will be left with useful advice to take away and no commitment to us.

If you’d like to book a free expert consultation, you can do so here.